Full support for old VCI with serial number 30250 etc. The history function is fully functional. Suzuki SDT-II Smart Diagnostic Tester v2.29.0.4 - Renault CAN CLiP v222 - Scania Multi - Toyota Techstream v18.00.008 + ACTIVATION - TOYOTA & LEXUS EPC ALL REGIONS - Toyota Techstream v17.30.011 + ACTIVATION - BMW ISTA-D Rheingold v4.37 - BMW PSdZData v4.37.11 FULL - Mercedes XENTRY DIAGNOSTIC PASSTHRU - Scania Multi v21.120.0.0 - Toyota Techstream v17.20.013 + ACTIVATION - Toyota Techstream v17.10.012 + ACTIVATION - Renault CAN CLiP v218 - John Deere Parts ADVISOR + HITACHI - Scania SDP3 v2.51.2 Diagnos Programmer + KEYGEN - BMW PSdZData v4.36.12 FULL - BMW ISTA-D Rheingold v4.35.40 - ODIS-E Flash files (Flashdaten) - Mercedes DAS XENTRY OpenShell XDOS 31.8.2. DS 150 software overview: V2017.1 software: only for Cars if you would like 2 license files for Cars and Trucks only (1 cars and 1 trucks), please download V2016. Delphi 2017.R3 diagnostic software NEW Delphi 2017.R3 is the latest software on the market for the DS150E probe Advantages of the 2017.R3 version: Update history Bug fixes on Complete ISS fix Now ISS works for all cars.